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In Vivo Digestibility of Brachiaria deflexa and Echinocloa colona Supplemented with Cowpea Haulms in Sahelian Goats

Received: 20 February 2023     Accepted: 13 March 2023     Published: 28 March 2023
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A study of In vivo digestibility of Brachiaria deflexa and Echinocloa colona fed Sahelian bucks supplemented with 30% cowpea haulms was conducted in the Scientific Garden of the University of Sciences and Technology of Ati in Chad by September 2018. Twelve (12) Sahelian bucks weighing around 28. 62 ±2. 97 kg, aged between 20 and 24 months were used for this feeding trial. Four (4) groups of three (3) animals were housed in individual metabolic cages, where they were treated with Oxytetracycline 20% long-acting (1ml/10 kg) and 1% of Ivermectin against gastrointestinal and pulmonary worms before trials. Four rations were made and distributed hazardly to each group as follows: Brachiaria deflexa without supplement of cowpea haulms (BF0), Brachiaria deflexa suplemented with 30% cowpea haulms (BF30), Echinocloa colona without suplement (EF0) and Echinocloa colona suplmented with 30% cowpea haulms (EF30). Each animal received 1000g of feeds twice a day for basal feeds during the adaptation period (14 days). After this period, data were collected for seven (7) days. The result shows that Echinocloa colona supplemented with 30% cowpea haulm induced a significant (p<0.05) intake of DM (697.2g), OM (525.14g), and CF (214.35g) in Sahelian bucks. While, digestive utilization of these elements was comparable (p> 0.05). Though, digestive utilization of nitrogen (58.68g) was significantly (P<0.05) high in bucks. Biochemically, blood concentration with protein elements (protein, albumin, and globulin) was similar in bucks fed Brachiaria deflexa or Echinocloa colona alone or associated with 30% cowpea haulms. As such, bucks could be fed with dried forage without cowpea supplements to minimize production costs.

Published in Animal and Veterinary Sciences (Volume 11, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.avs.20231102.11
Page(s) 30-37
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Science Publishing Group


Digestibility, Brachiaria deflexa and Echinocloa colona, Supplement, Sahelian Bucks

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  • APA Style

    Azoutane Julien, Oumar Moucthar Kodbé, Madjina Tellah, Mouchili Mama, Miegoue Emile, et al. (2023). In Vivo Digestibility of Brachiaria deflexa and Echinocloa colona Supplemented with Cowpea Haulms in Sahelian Goats. Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 11(2), 30-37. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.avs.20231102.11

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    ACS Style

    Azoutane Julien; Oumar Moucthar Kodbé; Madjina Tellah; Mouchili Mama; Miegoue Emile, et al. In Vivo Digestibility of Brachiaria deflexa and Echinocloa colona Supplemented with Cowpea Haulms in Sahelian Goats. Anim. Vet. Sci. 2023, 11(2), 30-37. doi: 10.11648/j.avs.20231102.11

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    AMA Style

    Azoutane Julien, Oumar Moucthar Kodbé, Madjina Tellah, Mouchili Mama, Miegoue Emile, et al. In Vivo Digestibility of Brachiaria deflexa and Echinocloa colona Supplemented with Cowpea Haulms in Sahelian Goats. Anim Vet Sci. 2023;11(2):30-37. doi: 10.11648/j.avs.20231102.11

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  • @article{10.11648/j.avs.20231102.11,
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      title = {In Vivo Digestibility of Brachiaria deflexa and Echinocloa colona Supplemented with Cowpea Haulms in Sahelian Goats},
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      abstract = {A study of In vivo digestibility of Brachiaria deflexa and Echinocloa colona fed Sahelian bucks supplemented with 30% cowpea haulms was conducted in the Scientific Garden of the University of Sciences and Technology of Ati in Chad by September 2018. Twelve (12) Sahelian bucks weighing around 28. 62 ±2. 97 kg, aged between 20 and 24 months were used for this feeding trial. Four (4) groups of three (3) animals were housed in individual metabolic cages, where they were treated with Oxytetracycline 20% long-acting (1ml/10 kg) and 1% of Ivermectin against gastrointestinal and pulmonary worms before trials. Four rations were made and distributed hazardly to each group as follows: Brachiaria deflexa without supplement of cowpea haulms (BF0), Brachiaria deflexa suplemented with 30% cowpea haulms (BF30), Echinocloa colona without suplement (EF0) and Echinocloa colona suplmented with 30% cowpea haulms (EF30). Each animal received 1000g of feeds twice a day for basal feeds during the adaptation period (14 days). After this period, data were collected for seven (7) days. The result shows that Echinocloa colona supplemented with 30% cowpea haulm induced a significant (p 0.05). Though, digestive utilization of nitrogen (58.68g) was significantly (PBrachiaria deflexa or Echinocloa colona alone or associated with 30% cowpea haulms. As such, bucks could be fed with dried forage without cowpea supplements to minimize production costs.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - In Vivo Digestibility of Brachiaria deflexa and Echinocloa colona Supplemented with Cowpea Haulms in Sahelian Goats
    AU  - Azoutane Julien
    AU  - Oumar Moucthar Kodbé
    AU  - Madjina Tellah
    AU  - Mouchili Mama
    AU  - Miegoue Emile
    AU  - Sawa Camara
    AU  - Defang Henry Fualefak
    AU  - Tendonkeng Fernand
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.avs.20231102.11
    AB  - A study of In vivo digestibility of Brachiaria deflexa and Echinocloa colona fed Sahelian bucks supplemented with 30% cowpea haulms was conducted in the Scientific Garden of the University of Sciences and Technology of Ati in Chad by September 2018. Twelve (12) Sahelian bucks weighing around 28. 62 ±2. 97 kg, aged between 20 and 24 months were used for this feeding trial. Four (4) groups of three (3) animals were housed in individual metabolic cages, where they were treated with Oxytetracycline 20% long-acting (1ml/10 kg) and 1% of Ivermectin against gastrointestinal and pulmonary worms before trials. Four rations were made and distributed hazardly to each group as follows: Brachiaria deflexa without supplement of cowpea haulms (BF0), Brachiaria deflexa suplemented with 30% cowpea haulms (BF30), Echinocloa colona without suplement (EF0) and Echinocloa colona suplmented with 30% cowpea haulms (EF30). Each animal received 1000g of feeds twice a day for basal feeds during the adaptation period (14 days). After this period, data were collected for seven (7) days. The result shows that Echinocloa colona supplemented with 30% cowpea haulm induced a significant (p 0.05). Though, digestive utilization of nitrogen (58.68g) was significantly (PBrachiaria deflexa or Echinocloa colona alone or associated with 30% cowpea haulms. As such, bucks could be fed with dried forage without cowpea supplements to minimize production costs.
    VL  - 11
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Agropastoral Sciences, Faculty of Agropastoral Sciences and Agricultural Technology, University of Sciences and Technology of Ati, Ati, Tchad

  • Department of Biology, Faculty of Exact and Apply Sciences, University of N’djamena, N’djamena, Chad

  • Department of Animal Production, Higher Institute National of Breeding Sciences and Techniques of Abeche, Abeche, Chad

  • Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

  • Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

  • Agronomic Research Institut of Guinee, Conakry, Guinee

  • Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

  • Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

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